biennale belgie

20190621 - 20190630

Festival of Belgian Contemporary Art
Floralienhal, Ghent.

6000m2 art & installations, 7 collectives, 100 artists.
Curatorial Collectives: 019-Ghent, NADAR, Social Harmony, In De Ruimte, La Superette, Diesel Project Space & Forbidden City.

A circular structure exhibits prints of previous installed works within the same space.
Concept: 019-Ghent.

Design circular presentation structure together with collective 019-Ghent.
Participating artist for group show within collective 019-Ghent.

Pictures: Michiel De Cleene.

Below are some of my objects; they were temporarily installed, photographed, deinstalled and -together with all other photographed artworks- stored inside the circular structure.

These pictures were then print on bash and became part of the outside cover of the circular structure as seen above.