Wouters & Hendrix:
"Olivier Goethals’s sketchbooks served as inspiration for the 'You Make My Heart Smile' Collection. His spontaneous and colorful drawings have an almost tangible aura. He allows himself to be guided by his intuition rather than conscious choice, which is precisely what we did while designing this collection.
W&H commissioned Olivier to create a series of unique artworks to complement the new collection.
Enjoy his colorful artwork in our stores from Friday Januari 22 until Sunday March 14."
click HERE for a conversation with Sofie Van De Velde, Katrin Wouters & Olivier Goethals.
Many thanks at Katrin Wouters, Karen Hendrix, Elise Taillieu, Christine Ringoot, Philip Aguirre y Otegui & Sofie Van de Velde!